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How Do You Make Pig In Little Alchemy 2

How to Make a Pig in Little Alchemy 2: A Comprehensive Guide


Little Alchemy 2 is a captivating online game that challenges players to create a wide variety of elements by combining different ingredients. From simple substances like water and earth to complex living organisms like pigs, the game offers a fun and engaging way to explore the wonders of chemistry and biology.

Creating a Pig in Little Alchemy 2

To make a pig in Little Alchemy 2, you will need the following elements:

  1. Lava
  2. Sea
  3. Primordial Soup

Follow these steps to combine the elements and create a pig:

Step 1: Combine Lava and Sea

Begin by dragging the Lava element from the right panel and placing it in the center of the workspace. Next, drag the Sea element and place it on top of the Lava. When combined, these elements will create Earth.

Step 2: Combine Earth and Primordial Soup

Once Earth has been created, drag it to the center of the workspace. Then, drag the Primordial Soup element and place it on top of the Earth. This combination will result in Animal.

Step 3: Mud and Animal

Drag the Animal element to the center of the workspace. Then, select Mud from the right panel and drag it gently to the center of the workspace. When Animal and Mud are combined, they will form Pig.


Congratulations! You have successfully created a pig in Little Alchemy 2. By following these simple steps and mastering the principles of element combination, you can unlock a whole world of possibilities and continue your journey towards becoming a master alchemist.
